United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) logo The International Charter Space and Major Disasters logo Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh logo
Start Date
End Date
  ---.- Population Exposed to Flood
  ---.- Flooded Cropland Area (km2)
  ---.- Inundated Area (km2)
  ---.- Monitored Area (km2)

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United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT)

Download Data

All statistics are computed based on WorldPop and ESA WorldCover
This is a preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field.
Please send ground feedback to UNITAR - UNOSAT.

AI based satellite-detected surface waters can be downloed as shapefile (.shp) Download flood extent as Shapefile
Population and crop exposure statistics can be downloed as csv (.csv) Download Statistics as CSV File
United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT)

About this application

United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT)